Theme: TIF Districts & Economic Development
April 24-25, 2025
Holiday Inn | Stevens Point, WI
Agenda Coming Soon
WGFOA Member (Active and Associate): $150
Non-Member (have not paid annual membership dues): $175-$250
A $10.00 late fee will be charged beginning April 4, 2025.
Easily register:
Online: Register Using a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover
Holiday Inn
1001 Amber Ave, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: (888) 465-4329
Directions to the Holiday Inn, Stevens Point
Directions to the Holiday Inn, Stevens Point
Single Room Rate $98/night. Deadline to book a room is March 24, 2025.
To reserve a room at a discounted rate, call the Holiday Inn, Stevens Point and ask for the Wisconsin Government Financial Officers Association rate at 1-888-465-4329.
*Note: Guests with tax exempt status will need to mention this at the time of reservation and bring their tax exempt letter at the time of arrival.*